Dec 3, 2023Liked by Sangeet Paul Choudary

Platforms by its very nature pushes for commoditisation. AI can hasten it and do so in areas which hasn’t been touched yet. The example of expertise of Clinicians being augmented and thereafter being commoditised would mean nothing is out of its bounds. Platforms + AI = No jobs are safe. Once again the way you have analysed and modelled this is amazing.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Sangeet Paul Choudary

Thoughtful and well reasoned- thank you.

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Jan 8Liked by Sangeet Paul Choudary

Exceptional analysis 🧐 👏

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I see regulation, unions, laws, taxes , and general democracy getting involved in this sooner or later. Two computers suing each other for the benefit of the worker.

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a) more awarness needs to be created (the more difficult piece) and b) an AI-secure job insurance to be built (the more simple thing)

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Agree that continuous regulation that follows the evolution of AI-augmented impact on industries seems to be the only solution here. However, my worry is more about the Competition Law, and the Weaponization of these Platform Tools- and there should be a Tax (akin to Carbon Tax) on the fact that these platforms are exploiting these natural monopolies and doing Restrictive Trade Practices and pocketing the income that results.

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“Commoditization is inevitable when augmentation is at play.”


Wouldn’t regulation add friction to commoditization ?

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Wonderful as always Sangeet. As an educator I am curious what do we teach and how donwe teach AI

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Excellent as always, thanks Sangeet. I'm working with a client in the knowledge work domain (roughly trad. consulting), and they see this train coming but want to design ways to protect their workers as the train rolls through. McKinsey or other biggies might be happy to ultimately replace all human consultants, but this firm I'm supporting has a vision for always keeping human-in-the-loop.

Curious, do you see ways industries might be pro-worker, without things becoming contentious and fraught like with the recent actors and writers strikes and the like? Is there a way we can design systems of shared value for everyone, because ultimately this tech is coming for all of us, in one way or another.

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