About this newsletter

This newsletter explores the impact of technology on competition.

Who wins? And who loses? And what are the factors determining winners and separating them from the losers?

Towards this, I explore the following themes through this newsletter:

  1. The economics of platforms and ecosystems

  2. The economics of Generative AI

  3. Growing market and power concentration of BigTech

  4. Reimagining the internet with alternate power structures

  5. Value migration from incumbents to challengers (or not) when new technological shifts play out

About my work

To learn more about my work, visit www.platformthinkinglabs.com or have a look at my Wikipedia profile.

I’ve worked at explaining the platform economy over the past decade and more.

My work includes two best-selling books - Platform Revolution and Platform Scale - as well as many influential articles on this topic.

Since 2012, I’ve worked on advising stakeholders across the platform economy.

These have included:

  1. Advising 40+ Fortune 500 firms on platform strategy, ecosystem mapping, building competitive advantage with AI etc.

  2. Advising the BigTech on managing lateral attacks from non-competitors and on entering entirely new industries leveraging current control points.

  3. Advising companies looking to raise PE and VC (Series B or later) on expanding their TAM through an ecosystem play.

  4. Informing regulators on mapping out a theory of harm from the BigTech.

You can learn more about my work (with all public links to it) here.

If you’d like to engage further, have a look at our advisory models at https://platformthinkinglabs.com/advisory/.

Or download the advisory kit below:

Download Advisory Kit

I’m a professional speaker on topics relating to the platform economy, ecosystem competition, and generative AI. Have a look at the speaking kit here:

Download Speaking Kit

Top posts

The best place to get started? Have a look at some of the top posts on the newsletter:

Generative AI

AI and the future of work

Platform strategy



Exploring the larger body of work

Over the years, we’ve published several playbooks. Here are some quick links if you’d like to dive deep into my work:

Ecosystem Mapping and Strategy

The Platform Organization

The Enterprise AI Playbook

The Platform Economy

The Building Blocks Thesis

The Web3 Builders Playbook

If you would like to dig deeper into these topics, visit our institute at http://platform.institute.

Subscribe to Platforms, AI, and the Economics of BigTech

Your guide to strategy and policy in the age of platform ecosystems, BigTech dominance, and AI.


Author of multiple best-selling books, including Platform Revolution, Platform Scale. Write about BigTech, AI, platforms, ecosystems, and market power Featured 4x in HBR Top 10 Must Reads Advisor to Fortune 500 Boards/C-Suite WEF YGL, Thinkers50